- 論文の詳細を見る
A traditional Japanese-style bow consists of wood and bamboo, whereas a modern Japanese-style bow consists of wood and carbon fiber. This modern Japanese-style bow is widely used for beginners and intermediate archers. The different materials, wood and carbon fiber, are glued together with an adhesive, and these materials occasionally come off, through utilization, over a long period of years. In this study, shear sliding stress arising at the interface between wood and carbon fiber in a Japanese-style bow is experimentally evaluated. First, Young’ s moduli E of wood and carbon fiber are measured by carrying out a loading test. Thereafter, a section of a Japanese-style bow consisting of wood and carbon fiber is transformed to a single material section with the measured values of E, using the transformed-section method. Next, the distribution of bending moment M along the Japanese-style bow is evaluated according to the bending stress σ measured by strain gages, and a shearing force diagram is obtained. As a result, it is shown that the maximum shearing force Vmax is caused at the lower end of a Japanese-style bow. Moreover, the shear sliding stress τ in the section of Vmax is analyzed. Consequently, it is confirmed that the value of τ at the inside interface between wood and carbon fiber is larger than that at the outside interface between those materials.
- 日本スポーツ産業学会の論文
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