- 論文の詳細を見る
The spawning season and spawning ground of the Japanese gizzard shad, Konosirus punctatus, in Lake Hamana were estimated based on gonad maturity, seasonal and spatial distribution of spawned eggs, and catch statistics.The results obtained were as follows:1) The spawning season of the Japanese gizzard shad in Lake Hamana is believed to be from mid-April to mid-June, with a peak from late-April to mid-May.2) Eggs were collected both inside and outside the lake where the water temperature is 12-22°C and the water density is 1.007-1.029.3) The center of distribution of eggs shifted from the inner region of the lake to its center during the spawning season.4) Individuals less than 15 cm in length did not mature during the spawning season.5) There were three peaks at catch per haul of Japanese gizzard shad at seasonal change in Lake Hamana. The first two were considered to be occurrence of the spawning group and new recruitment respectively.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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