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In the adenohypophysis of cultivated male Japanese eels, eight cell types (prolactin-, ACTH-, TSH-, STH- and GTH-cells in addition to two kinds of meta-adenohypophysial cells and chromophobic cells) were identified by both light- and electron-microscope. In fresh-water fish, prolactin cells which occupy the major part of the pre-adenohypophysis and are arranged in the form of follicles, contain many secretory granules and highly develop-ed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi systems. STH cells occupy the major part of the meso-adenohypophysis and are strongly stained by azocarmine G. GTH cells are small in size and number, and are slightly stained by aniline blue and aldehyde fuchsin. After transfer to sea water, prolactin cells became reduced in size, and the staining affinity and cellular organelles were regressed. TSH cells increased in staining affinity and its secretory granules became enlarged. A third meta-adenohypophysial cell was also encountered. On the other hand, in the pituitary of the sea water eel induced to maturation by Syna-horin injection, the meso-adenohypophysis became very enlarged. GTH cells increased in size, number and staining affinity for basic dyes. Ultrastructurally, two kinds of secretory granules, i.e. electron-dense smaller granules and less electron-dense larger granules were found. On the contrary, STH cells which were active in immature fish, were regressed.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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