クジラ鼻軟骨ケラト硫酸-I. : その分画と性質
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The mucopolysaccharide-protein complex of whale nasal cartilage contains sialic acidcontaining keratosulfate (SK) as a constituent. SK present in the Pronase digest of cartilage was fractionated by ethanol and cetylpyridinium chloride fractionations, and Dowex 1-X2 chromatography, and the fractions were characterized. SK was distributed in all the fractions, showing polydispersity, and 60-70% of the total did not precipitate at an ethanol concentration of 50%. SK contained small amounts of galactosamine, mannose, and fucose in addition to sialic acid, galactose, and glucosamine which were the main components. The molar ratios of hexose to hexosamine were about 1 in all the fractions. On the other hand, the molar ratios of sialic acid and sulfate to hexosamine differed widely among fractions; the higher the sialic acid contents, the lower were the sulfate contents and molecular weights.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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