海水中の有機成分に関する研究-I : 北海道南方海域の炭水化物の分布について
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Sea water samples were collected from off coast of Southern Hokkaido by surveying vessels “Kofu-maru” and “Ryofu-maru” which belong to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Horizontal and vertical distributions of carbohydrate and dissolved oxygen were examined for the samples which were collected from thirteen observational stations at varying depths. It was found that Tsugaru warm-current and Oyashio cold-current formed a boundary of watermass in offshore of Cape Erimo, 41°30N, 143°40E. In the east side of this watermass, higher content of carbohydrate and supersaturation of dissolved oxygen were detected and a large number of phytoplankton was found. In surface and subsurface sea water of this area, about 0.0-1.3mg/l of total carbohy-drate (expressed as sucrose equivalent) and 0.0-0.7mg/1 of dissolved carbohydrate were found and supersaturation of dissolved oxygen raised up about 1-2ml/l. Maximum concen-tration of carbohydrate was found at 10-75m depth. Correlation coefficient between carbo-hydrate and supersaturated value of dissolved oxygen showed 0.39.
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