S-電位による魚類の視覚研究-I : S-電位の電位振幅と刺激強度との関係
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L-response of the S-potentials, which is considered as an indicator of luminosity sensation, was used to study the relationship between the amplitude and the intensity of illumination. The intensity to produce a half of the maximum amplitude was measured in five species. The intensities thus obtained were higher in the order of mullet, carp, goldfish, sting-ray and neko-shark. The latency of returning phase at the cessation of the stimulus was found to be shorter in the same order as above.These results were discussed in reference to ecological aspects of fishes. It is concluded that the five fishes used in this study adapt themselves to the brighter environment in the order of mullet, carp, goldfish, sting-ray and neko-shark.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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