Liver dysfunction in multitransfused hemophiliacs.
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The present study attempted to evaluate the potential adverse effect on the liver of repeated exposure to blood products in hemophiliacs. 58 patients with hemophilia A (47) and B (11) who had been treated with blood products for more than 5 years and examined serial liver function tests were reviewed. The mean age of the patients was 29 years old. Persistent HBs-antigenemia was not found in the patients. Anti HBs was noted in 91% of the patients. 24% of the patients have experienced acute clinical hepatitis. Persistently abnormal transaminase values were noted in 74% of the patients. Persistently normal transaminase values were present in only 9%. Most of the hemophiliacs with chronic liver dysfunction were asymptomatic concerning hepatitis, but one of them died of the submassive hepatic necrosis. Hemophiliacs with liver dysfunction showed a significantly decreased OKT4/OKT8 ratio of peripheral T lymphocytes, as compared with healthy controls and the patients with chronic hepatitis (type B and NANB).
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
松田 重三
安部 英
山中 正己
中村 孝司
木下 忠俊
鳥居 正男
糸数 憲二
伊藤 善志通
鎌上 孝子
小島 昌
三宅 和彦
中村 孝司
松田 重三
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