:A Study on the Mechanism of Diarrhea due to CDCA Therapy
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The authors studied a mechanism of diarrhea during CDCA therapy of gallstones, using an in vitro model of golden hamster small intestine. CDCA, 1mM, inhibited glucose transport in everted hamster intestine, and also significantly decreased Na+-K+-ATPase activity of the small intestinal mucosa, although histological change was not found in the intestinal mucosa. UDCA, 1mM, on the other hand, did not cause these remarkable abnormalities.Considering these results, inhibition of glucose absorption in the small intestine, mediated by decrease of Na+-K+-ATPase activity, may share one of the causes of diarrhea during CDCA therapy.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- タイトル無し
- :A Study on the Mechanism of Diarrhea due to CDCA Therapy