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Serum α-L-fucosidase (AFU) activity was examined in 110 cases of various liver diseases. Serum AFU activity was 599.1±115.1nmol/ml/hr in normal contorols, while it was above 1, 000nmol/ml/hr in acute hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and alcoholic liver diseases. Serum AFU correlated well with γ-GTP and alkaline phosphatase levels, but not with GPT and GOT. In HCC, AFU and AFP tended to have a weak correlation, but there was no statistical significance. In 55% of AFP-negative HCC, AFU was positive. It was suggested that AFU was useful as a new tumor marker in HCC. Furthermore, it was reccognized that AFU had a pretty good correlation with tumor size. In transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) of HCC, AFU increased on the next day and two weeks after TAE, which implicated not only release from necrotized tumor but also production by viable cells. AFU activity of the liver tumor were analyzed by Sephadex G-200 column chromatography, which resulted in the appearance of three peakes, the third peak of which was not noted in non-cancerous liver tissue. The above experiment might suggest the pressence of tumor specific AFU. Thus, AFU activity could become another tumor marker in the diagnosis of HCC.
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