肝細胞癌の壊死に関する病理組織学的検討 自然壊死と肝動脈塞栓術による壊死の比較
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Histopathological changes in the spontaneous necrosis of hepatocellular cacinoma (HCC) and the necrosis of that treated with transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) was studied in 24 HCC cases without TAE and 40 HCC cases with TAE.<BR>It was mainly observed that there were small central necrosis in nodules or thick trabecular cords of HCC without TAE. These necrosis were classified two types by histological findings. In one type, coagulatively necrotic tumor cells were losing their cohaesiveness and mixed with necrobiotic tumor cells. This type was dominant necrosis in a vast majority of cases without TAE. The other type was almost identical with that of TAE.<BR>Histological periodical changes of the necrotic area after TAE were divided into three stages; namely progression period, organization period and scarring period. The necrotic areas after organization period were extensive, monotonous and coagulative in nature, and more massive hematoidin deposition was recognized in them of cases with TAE than without TAE.<BR>It was assumed that these pathological differences between these necrotic foci were based no the grade and/or the speed of developed ischemia in them.<BR>A quite number of functional small arteries were observed around the viable satellite HCC nodules in cases with TAE. It is conceivable that arterial blood supply to them might be maintained from intrahepatic shunt and/or collateral feeding arteries.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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- 肝細胞癌の壊死に関する病理組織学的検討 自然壊死と肝動脈塞栓術による壊死の比較