- 論文の詳細を見る
Oxide films on GaAs have been formed by anodization in oxygen plasma produced by high-frequency (420 kHz) electrodeless discharge in oxygen with a pressure of 13-40 Pa. The oxide growth rate is limited by ion drift from the interface between the oxide and the GaAs substrate to the oxide surface under a high electric field in the oxide (<I>E</I><SUB>ox</SUB>) of 2-3 ×10<SUP>6</SUP> V/cm. The ionic is represented by the equation as <I>I</I><SUB>i</SUB>=<I>I</I><SUB>io</SUB>transport exp [<I>q</I> (<I>W</I><SUB>i</SUB>+<I>Zb</I><I>E</I><SUB>ox</SUB>) / <I>kT</I>], where +0.5 eV and <I>Z</I><SUB>b</SUB>=44±16 Å. The current efficiency, defined by the ratio of the ionic current in the oxide to the total current, is independent of oxidation time and current density, but it increases from 17% to 47% with GaAs chip temperature (80-330°C). The current efficiency is dependent on plasma condition, such as, ion density and electron energy, too.
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