The effects of immunoglobulin preparations on human monocyte IL-1 production.
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The effects of intact immunoglobulin (pH 4-treated) preparation, F(ab')2 (pepsin-treated) preparation, purified IgG and purified F(ab')2 fragment on IL-1 production in human monocytes stimulated by silica suspension were investigated.Measure of IL-1 activity was gauged by the proliferation ability of peanut agglutinin (PNA) non-agglutinating cells. High concentration (mg/ml) of either intact immunoglobulin preparation or F(ab')2 preparation was unable to induce IL-1 production in unstimulated cells. However, both preparations enhanced IL-1 synthesis in human monocytes that had been stimulated by silica suspension. Incidentally, low concentration (μg/ml, ng/ml) of purified IgG boosted IL-1 production in such cells. On the other hand, low concentration of purified F(ab')2 fragment had negligible effect. Also by the ELISA method, high concentration and low concentration of purified IgG enhanced IL-1 α and β productions in such cells, however, enhancement by low concentration of purified F(ab')2 fragment was negligible.These results suggest that the F(ab')2 preparation is less potent than intact immunoglobulin preparation in inducing IL-1 production by monocytes.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
西成田 進
葉山 隆
康 浩一
山上 敬司
三田村 巧
澤田 滋正
唐崎 美喜
戸村 好太郎
康 浩一
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