Assessment of core thermo-hydrodynamic models of REFLA-1D code with CCTF data for reflood phase of PWR-LOCA.
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The REFLA-1D is a computer code for the one-dimensional best-estimate analysis of the thermo-hydrodynamic behavior during the reflood phase of a PWR-LOCA. The core thermo-hydrodynamic models of the code were developed using the experimental data of the small scale facilities, whose scaling ratios to a 1, 000 MWe class PWR are 1/2, 500 and 1/370. In order to assess these models with a large scale reflood experiment data, REFLA-1D calcula-tion were performed for the CCTF tests.<BR>The CCTF is a 1/21-scaled large scale reflood test facility with four primary loops. The height of each section of the CCTF is almost the same as that of a 1, 000 MWe class PWR and the radial dimension is scaled down by 1/4.6. The calculated CCTF tests simulated the reflooding behavior during a PWR-LOCA under 200% cold leg large break conditions.<BR>The calculated results indicate that the turnaround temperature and the quench time at the midplane level of the average power rod are predicted within 10% difference from the test data under various conditions. It is also shown that the transients of the rod surface temperature are predicted well qualitatively with REFLA-1D code.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
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