Experimental study on reflood behavior in PWR with upper plenum injection type ECCS by using CCTF.
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An experimental study of Cylindrical Core Test Facility (CCTF) tests was performed to investigate the reflood behavior in PWR with upper plenum injection (UPI) type ECCS. The major conclusions are as follows :<BR>(1) The ECC water injected into the upper plenum fell down to core smoothly and flowed from the core to the downcomer.<BR>(2) This falling water flow rate was much higher than the predicted with a correlation developed on the base of the small-scale experimental results, i. e. Bankoff's CCFL cor-relation. This is considered to be because the steam flows up from the core in a limited cross section and separately the water downflow region is formed.<BR>(3) The steam from the core was condensed by the ECC water in the upper plenum. The hydraulic behavior in the primary system was significantly different if the complete condensation was attained or not.<BR>(4) For a UPI test with no failure low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) pump simulation, the complete condensation was attained, the water stagnated in hot legs and steam generators, and almost no fluid flowed through the primary loops. For a UPI test with single failure LPCI pump simulation, the complete condensation was not attained, and the steam with entraining the water flowed through the primary loops.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
MURAO Yoshio
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
IGUCHI Tadashi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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- Assessment of current safety evaluation analysis on reflood behavior during PWR-LOCA by using CCTF data.
- Experimental study of ECC water injection rate effects on reflood phase of PWR-LOCA.
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- Assessment of core thermo-hydrodynamic models of REFLA-1D code with CCTF data for reflood phase of PWR-LOCA.
- Experimental study of system behavior during reflood phase of PWR-LOCA using CCTF.
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- Experimental Study on Difference in Reflood Core Heat Transfer among CCTF, FLECHT-SET and Predicted with FLECHT Correlation.
- Core radial power profile effect on system and core cooling behavior during reflood phase of PWR-LOCA with CCTF data.
- System pressure effect on system and core cooling behavior during reflood phase of PWR LOCA.
- Water accumulation phenomena in upper plenum during reflood phase of PWR-LOCA by using CCTF data.
- Experimental study on reflood behavior in PWR with upper plenum injection type ECCS by using CCTF.
- Visual study of flow behavior in upper plenum during simulated reflood phase of PWR-LOCA.
- Effect of decay heat level on reflood phenomena during PWR-LOCA.
- Void fraction in simulated PWR fuel bundle during reflood phase.
- Assessment of core radial power profile effect model for REFLA code by using CCTF data.
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