- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Anesthesia and the administration of fluid during the operation: After tracheotomy, the patient is intubated and the anesthesia is given with closed circulating system. During operation heal canula is inserted to prevent aspiration pneumonia. Five hundred cc of dextran and then equal amount of blood is given intravenously during the operation. 2) Radiation before and after the operation: Before the operation X-ray radiation is given.The radiation is done from four directions and is each direction 2000r. is given. The total amount 2000r. After the operation radium is given, average 1500mg hours. 3) Incision and the extent of operation: When the tumor is a median type, formal extraction method is employed according to Hoshino′s incision. When the tumor is a lateral type, adding to the above, transverse incision method along the zygomatic arch is employed, and the arch and all masseter muscles are removed. When the tumor is infiltrating into the orbit, the contents of the orbit are removed. When the tumor does not infiltrate into the palate, the incisors on the affected side and the mucosa of the palate are not removed. To sum up, returning to the principle of operation, it is devised that necessary and sufficient incision and removal are to be done. 4) For the last two and half years, 22 cases were operated and 12 of them are now alive without recurrence.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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