Antral balloon technicによる〓部骨及び眼窩床骨折の治療経験
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Antral balloon technic is applied for the reduction of fractures involving the wall of the maxillary sinus. After the fragments are replaced into their correct position by Caldwell-Luc approach, a deflated balloon of the Foley type is inserted into the maxillary sinus through the antronasal opening. The balloon is set in the maxillary sinus and is filled with water giving the pressure sufficient to support the correct fragments. When the antral balloon accomplished the fixation of fractured antral wall, it is deflated and removed through the antronasal opening. We have applied this technic in 2 cases of the malar bone fractures and 4 cases of the blowout fractures. This antral balloon technic is quite simple and excellent results can be expected if cases are selected.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
大槻 好正
小川 克二
神津 典男
坂爪 誠
佐藤 幸雄
今泉 秀雄
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