頭頸部におけるRadiation cancer
- 論文の詳細を見る
A total of 54 cases of radiation cancers in the head and neck region were treated and analysed.The results were as follows; 1) Primary diseases irradiated previously were benign diseases of 37 cases, which included 29 cases of tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis and 3 of dermal disease, and malignant neoplasm of 14 cases containing 9 of laryngeal cancer and 2 of thyroid cancer. 2) Radiation cancers were divided to 23 hypopharyngeal, 14 thyroid, 10 cervical esophageal and other cancers. 3) Interval between irradiation and development of cancer showed that patient irradiated for malignant conditions had shorter intervals, with an average of 9.4 years, as compared with patients for benign conditions with an average of 33 years. 4) In regard to pathological findings, 59 were well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas in the pharynx, larynx, etc, and 14 were papillary and follicular adenocarcinomas in the thyroid gland and a case of fibrosarcoma of the upper lip. 5) Most cases were operated. 6) Prognostic consideration showed bad course and especially prognosis was miserable in cases of field cancerization. 7) Recently cancers after irradiation for malignant neoplasms were increasing.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
宮原 裕
松岡 寿子
東家 倫夫
大渕 正博
佐藤 武男
前田 和雄
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