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Primary carcinoma of the nasal septum is extremely rare and only 45 cases have been reported in Japan. Recently, a patient with carcinoma simplex arising from the anterior portion of the nasal septum was seen in our Hospital. A radical operation was performed. Eight months later, however, there was a recurrence, and hte patient has been successfully treated with irradiation.Of the 45 cases reported, 15 originated in the anterior portion of the nasal septum, 9 in the cartilagenous part, 5 in the tuberculum septi nasi, 5 in the posterior border, and 1 in the osseous part. Histologically, 8 cases were squamous cell carcinoma, 6 basal cell carcinoma, and 5 adenocarcinoma, and 5 carcinoma simplex. Melanoma and transitional cell carcinoma were rare.The treatment of primary septal carcinoma varies depending on the location and size of the tumor and with the presence or absence of invasion into the adjacent structures. Combined surgery and irradiation should be the treatment of choice.
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