前庭水管のGraphic Reconstruction
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Medial view graphic reconstruction of the vestibular aqueduct was created for better understanding of the anatomy of the vestibular aqueduct. Serial horizontal sections with H-E staining of the human temporal bones were used for the study. The outlines of the method were as follows. After making cochlear graphic reconstruction, actual lengths of the vestibular aqueduct and the posterior canal in the horizontal section were projected onto the line connecting the middle ear-side and the posterior cranial fossa-side of the Cortis organs at the basal turn. The method of this projection was established by modifying Schuknechts cochlear reconstruction method, especially that for the hook portion. Repeating this procedure on every sections, a medial view graphic reconstruction figure including the vestibular aqueduct, the posterior canal and the cochlea was obtained. With this method, several anatomical variations of the vestibular aqueducts in their shape, course, and location were observed and reported. In addition, the authors found that this method was also useful for avoiding the erroneous impressions in the graphically reconstructed vestibular aqueduct, which might be induced by the difference among various horizontal sectioning angles.
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