- 論文の詳細を見る
The destiny of acute sensorineural hearing loss due to acoustic trauma was studied.As the material of this study, 38 cases were selected from the list of patient seen in our department in the period of 14 years from 1967 to 1980.They were treated with several kind of therapeutic agents for a sufficient period to determine their destiny.Because of the long period for selecting the subjects, no uniformity had been kept in the drug composition for individual use throughout the cases, but in about one-third, steroids and/or low molecular weight dextran was administered. Of 38 cases, hearing recovered or markedly improved in 9, while the remaining 29, it did not improve or slightly improved.At the viewpoint of the effective treatment, two major factors were found to be effective.First, the time of treatment initiation. In all 9 cases whose hearing recovered or markedly improved, the treatment had begun at the 5th posttraumatic day or earlier.Second, administration of steroids and low molecular weight dextran. All hearing improved cases had been treated with steroids and in 6 of them further with low molecular weight dextran. From those observations, the authors concluded that the acute hearing loss due to acoustic trauma might be reversible, at least in a part, when the adequate management was performed early enough.
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