多発性硬化症と聴覚平衡障害 : 自験疑症例と文献的考察
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Multiple sclerosis is rarely reported in Japan The incidence of the disease in Japan is said to be about 2% of that in Europe and North America. The disease, therefore, has not been so much evaluated neuro-otologically in Japan. The patient was 22-year-old female, complaining of vertigo, hearing disturbance of the left ear and hypesthesia of the upper and the lower extremities. The examinations revealed slight left ear hearing loss in pure tone audiometry, marked positive TTS in Békésy audiometry of the left ear, horizontal gaze nystagmus to the bilateral directions, direction fixed positional nystagmus to the left, and DP to the left in caloric test. Optokinetic nystagmus and eye-tracking tests were normal. These neuro-otological findings gradually disappeared in about 5 months except hypesthesia of the lower extremity which remains at present
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 1.中耳および内耳疾患における側頭骨の形態学的検討/2.末梢平衡感覚器における抗生物質障害の実験的研究/3.Stria vascularisとPlanum semilunatum の比較検討/4.筋弛緩剤による前庭性外直筋活動の機構/5.反復誘発筋電図からみた家兎一側迷路破壊後の筋緊張について/6. 迷路と視器の干渉について/7.カエル摘出半規管受容器のAdaptationについて/カエル球形嚢神経および外半規管膨大部神経の動作流に関する知見/9.頭位変化と眼球偏
- 1.前庭感覚上皮の受傷性について/2.耳中毒性薬物による内耳病変/3.免疫学的手法による実験的平衡障害/4.前庭性外直筋活動について/5.平衡機能検査成績の経過観察/6.メニエール病長期観察例より得たる知見
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- 直線および回転角加速度の視運動性眼振に及ぼす影響
- 多発性硬化症と聴覚平衡障害 : 自験疑症例と文献的考察
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