- 論文の詳細を見る
A considerable number of publications have appeared in recent years, but little is known about embryopathia rubeolosa (Greggs syndrome). So far as we know, a few has been found in Japanese literature dealing with this syndrome.The special clinic of speech and hearing disorders in our department was established in 1961. Seven cases of deaf-children following maternal rabella were observed in our clinic. Those maternal rubella seemed to appear before 5th month in pregnancy period. They were, in this paper, detected to have no malformation in their eyes or heart.In past five years, statistical observations showed that 1.5% of children of hearing difficulty were due to maternal rubella while 24% of prenatal causes in deafchildren were due to rubella.In this embryopathia rubeolosa, the relationship between pregnancy period and malformation types and its incidence were discussed. Furthermore, the types of hearing disorder and dysfunctioned portions of the ear were embryologically investigated considering the following facts; (1) the inner ear originates from mesoderum and ectoderum. (2) its growth terminat by 20th or 21th weeks of pregnancy period, (3) organic differentiation is over by 8th week. In the case of rubella affected before 8th week of pregnancy, both the hearing and vestibular function may be impaired. However, the impairment of one of their functions may appear in the case affected after 8th week pregnancy. The cases reported here revealed to have no impairment of vestibule, and to have cochlear disorder. Kelemen investigated histologically that the inner ear of embryo affected in 7th week was found to have impaired organ of Corti. Moreover, most of the clinical cases showed only hearing disorder. The above mentioned findings suggest that rubella virus which has probably an affinity for cochlea is a possible cause of cochlear disorder. In the present cases, audiogramotric data lacked specific sign of hearing due to rubella.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
安野 友博
安野 友博
伊藤 治夫
大久保 英子
井端 幸子
河井 紀子
安野 友博
伊藤 治夫
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