Surgical treatment of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon and its results.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty-five patients with carcinoma of the left colon associated with obstruction (10 with carcinoma of the descending colon and 25 with carcinoma of the sigmoid colon) who underwent emergency opesation were studid concerning the operative results and survival.<BR>In cases that the emergency operation was performed, the main lesion was excised insofar as possible. Primary resection with anastomosis was undertaken in 11 younger patients (50.4 years on average), whose general conditions were relatively favorable and in whom the contents of the large intestine could be sufficiently removed. Hartmann's operation was performed in 18 elderly (68.8 years on average) patients with preoperative complications or in those with Stage V carcinoma. Six patients with severe complications (patients with cecal perforation, dialysis patients, etc.) underwent staged resection. The rate of resection was 100% and the rate of curative resection was 73.5%. Four patients (11%) had postoperative complications, but none had anastomotic dehiscence or fatal complication.<BR>The patients who underwent curative resection were examined for five-year survival rate wite reference to operative procedure. The rates were 51%, 57% and 33% for patients who underwent primary resection with anastomosis, Hartmann's operation and staged resection, respectively.<BR>Of the patients who underwent curative resection, 26 with carcinoma of the left colon with obstruction were compared with 66 with carcinoma of the left colon without obstruction in terms of five-year survival rate. The rates were 47% and 69% for patients with and without obstruction, respectively.<BR>Judging from the results of various operative procedures, resection of the main lesion at the initial operation is better than the staged operation, if possible. However in the very poor risk patients, the latter operation is preferable for safety.
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