蔵王における冬期降水の化学成分 − 大陸起源土壌粒子の輸送に関する知見 −
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Winter precipitations were collected at Mt. Zaoh (the altitude 1650m above sea level, located in the northern part of Mainland Japan), over which westerly winds predominate during the season. The chemical composition of the precipitations was analyzed to examine the incorporation of soil particles coming from the Asian Continent; the results for the soluble components are reported. When so-called “KOSA” phenomenon (transport of the continental soil particles to Japan) took place, the concentrations of non-sea-salt (nss)-Ca2+ and Si, which are two major constituents of the soil particles, significantly increased in the precipitations. However, the ratio [nss-Ca2+]/[Si] remained much the same throughout the KOSA and the non-KOSA periods. This observation is consistent with the report of Iwasaka et al. that the continental soil particles were frequently transported to Japan even when the KOSA phenomenon was not apparent on the ground. On the other hand, the concentration of nss-SO42- also increased in the KOSA period, bot not in proportion to the Si concentration. From this result it was inferred that a part of nss-SO42- was not an inherent constituent of the particles but it became attached to the particles after they were blown up.
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