Overlooking in the Study of Tea
- 茶葉炭水化物に関する研究 : (第1報)ペーパークロマトグラフによる糖類の検索
- 茶の保健性成分
- カフェイン定量法の研究 (第3報) : 茶葉カフェインの微量定量法
- Paper-Chromatographic Method of Tea Catechins
- 茶葉化学分析用試料の形態について
- 茶業災水化物に関する研究-2-
- Adjustment of the Analytical Values of Chemical Components of Tea Leaves by their Maturity and the Optimal Sample Size
- Overlooking in the Study of Tea
- Free Oligosaccharides in the Tea Plant
- Estimation of Debiraki-Day of Tea Shoot
- Growth Promoting Effect of Gibberellin upon the Tea Shoot (Continued)
- Preliminary Surveys on the Diagnosis of Tea Plant by the Foliar Analysis
- The Influence of Light upon the Chemical Constituents of Tea Seedling
- A Consideration upon the Adjustment of Yield of Tea Leaves:With Special Reference to the Maturity of Leaves
- Growth Promoting Effect of Gibberellin upon the Tea Shoot
- Chemical Difference of the Tea Leaves between Spring and Summer Crops