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Many studies have been conducted on pathogenic bacteria of the intestines of animals, but very few on non-pathogenic bacteria. However, non-pathogenic bacteria have a close relation with the health of animals. Recently it has been disclosed that the non-pathogenic bacteria have a great inf-luence on health and nutrition of animals by producin many sorts of vitamins, exercising an action of digestion on indigestible feed, etc. Consequently, it is important to know the regular bacteria existing in the intestines of animals. Several reports have been published on some species of the bacteria existing in the human inte-stines, but very few studies have been made on the same subject in animals. Particularly, no systematic studies seem to have been performed, by using herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous animals comparatively, or using animals of the same species, to find out any difference in the bacterial flora due to different sorts of feed. The author has carried out many experiments to study herbivorous animals, including an Indian elephant (Elephas planifrons FALCONER & CAUTL-EY), black rhinoceros (Rhinoceros bicornis L.), Japanese deer (Cervus nippon nippon TEMMINCR), Grant zebra (Equus guagga grante DE WWINTON), dromedary camel (Camelus dromeddarius L.), etc., carnivorous ones, including striped hyena (Hyaena crocuta ERXLEBEN), racoon-like dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus TEMMINOK & SCaLEGEL), lion (Felis Leo L.), etc., omnivorous ones, including a chimpanzee (Pan satyrus L.), Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus CHLEGEL), mantled baboon (Papio hamadryas L.), pigtailed monkey (Macacar nernestrina L.), etc., and moreover, domestic animals and fowls, including a goat, sheep, cow, horse, pig, rabbit and chickens. Particularly, in chickens, the author examined the influence of feed, especially the quantity and qua-lity of protein contained in it, on the intestinal bacteria. In the experiments mentioned above, plate Cul-tures were usually used. As they have many defects in counting bacteria and selecting a certain species of bacteria, the author adopted in this study the dilution method with a selected medium. As the selected mediun, the E. C. and M. E. medium was used for the cultivatian of bacteria of Escherichis coli type, the Kosers medium for the Aerobacter group, the same medium including "konnyaku" flakes for the onnyaku mannan-decomposing Aero-dacter group, the S. F. medium for Enterococci, the A. D. medium for Streptococi, and bouillon with liver slices and litmus milk for the Clostridium welchii group. Experiments were performed on chickens with the feed containing 20% or 40% protein from different source, such as fish meal, soy-bean oil meal and milk casein. Part I of this report deals with the organisms of Aerobacter, Escherichiia, Streptococci and Clost-ridium welchii detected in experiments on the istribution and frequency of appearance bacteria existing normally in the intestines of animals. The results obtained concerning the appearance of each of the groups are as follows. It has been said that few organisms of Aero-bacter appear in the animal intestines, but in this study a good many of them appeared in most omni-vorous, some herbivorous and a few carnivorous animals. In the case of chickens, the appearance became less frequent according to an increase in protein content of their feed. The Konnyaku-mannan decomposing Aerobacter group appeared in the herbivores in a large number in the omnivores in a small number, and in the carnivores in a much smaller number. The frequency of appearance of the Escherichia coli type was particularly low in cattle. It was lower in the carnivore than in the herbivore. Among domestic animals, it was low in cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and rabbits, but high in swine. In chickens it was as high as in swine, but no difference was observed in the frequency when they were given different sorts of feed.
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