- 論文の詳細を見る
Two experiments, using an indirect recognition procedure (Terasawa & Ohta, 1993) as an implicit memory task, were conducted to examine implicit memory for random tone sequences. The indirect recognition procedure involved two sessions. The second session was a general recognition experiment consisting of learning and a recognition test phase. The effects of the learning during the first session were examined based on the recognition performance in the second session. The interval between the sessions was 10 weeks for Experiment 1 and 8 weeks for Experiment 2. In each session, participants were required to rate their liking for each of the sequences presented. In the second session, participants were required to respond to an old-new recognition test about the items just presented. The targets and distractors in the test consisted of stimuli presented or not presented in the first session. Analyses of the hits and false alarms showed an effect of the number of presentations in the first session. This result indicates an effect of long lasting implicit memory for tone sequences.
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