- 論文の詳細を見る
This technical data introduces a new steel of greater toughness developed for automobile components, especially for cold-forged gears. The new steel, DBG is a case-hardening steel containing boron. In previous work, boron has been found to be effective in improving toughness of quenched steel. It also contributes to improvement of cold-formability by reducing alloying elements such as silicon and manganese that improve hardenability of steel because boron is an effective element in terms of hardenability of steel. As a result, the best combination of cold-formability and toughness was achieved by customizing boron-containing case-hardening steel. DBG shows improved impact strength after carburizing and lower hardness in annealed condition compared to conventional case-hardening steel SCM418H. DBG has been employed for mass-produced automobile gears, which are cold-forged and directly carburized without normalizing.
- 電気製鋼研究会の論文
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