- 論文の詳細を見る
A major feature of the self-organizing map (SOM) is a topology-preserving projection from the input layer to the competitive layer, and it has been used mainly as an analytical tool for discovering underlying rules in the given data set. Even though recent splendid progress in this area, there are few novel ideas to break such a conventional style. On the contrary, based on its distinctive nature, a new method for generating patterns through backward projection from the competitive layer to the input layer is proposed recently. Moreover, a promising technology for producing animation as a series of backward-projected patterns along with any pathways on the competitive layer is presented. Then, in order to carry out further considerations, some computer simulations with a variety of posed stick figures are tried in this paper. After training, four kinds of pathways, which correspond to different movements such as dancing, exercising and walking, are prepared. Though some of them does not contain any training samples, all of them worked well as we have intended in advance. As a result, it is found that the proposed method shows good performance and it is also confirmed its effectiveness.
- 仮想磁場漸弱法および結合荷重制御法の巡回セールスマン問題への適用(ニューロハードウェア,ヒューマンインターフェース,一般)
- 自己組織化特徴マップの逆投影に基づいたパターン生成への応用 : 顔文字を用いた場合
- SOM型パターン生成器:自己組織化マップの逆投影に基づいた新規パターンの生成とその応用
- 仮想磁場漸弱法 : 磁場パラメータを導入した組み合わせ最適化問題の解探索法とその有効性(最適化問題へのアプローチ)
- SOM型パターン生成器 : 自己組織化マップの逆投影に基づいた新規パターンの生成とその応用
- ホップフィールドネットワークにおける状態遷移過程の可視化と仮想磁場漸弱法の動作メカニズムの解明
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- ホップフィールドネットワークにおける状態遷移過程の可視化表現 : 組み合わせ最適化問題の解探索のとき(一般,機械学習によるバイオデータマインニング・生命現象の非線形性,一般)
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