Risk of Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Associated with Proximity to Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators with High Dioxin Emission Levels in Japan
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BACKGROUND: Great public concern about health effects of dioxins emitted from municipal solid waste incinerators has increased in Japan. This paper investigates the association of adverse reproductive outcomes with maternal residential proximity to municipal solid waste incinerators.METHODS: The association of adverse reproductive outcomes with mothers living within 10 km from 63 municipal solid waste incinerators with high dioxin emission levels (above 80 ng international toxic equivalents TEQ/m3) in Japan was examined. The numbers of observed cases were compared with the expected numbers calculated from national rates adjusted regionally. Observed/expected ratios were tested for decline in risk or peak-decline in risk with distance up to 10 km.RESULTS: In the study area within 10 km from the 63 municipal solid waste incinerators in 1997-1998, 225, 215 live births, 3, 387 fetal deaths, and 835 infant deaths were confirmed. None of the reproductive outcomes studied here showed statistically significant excess within 2 km from the incinerators. However, a statistically significant peak-decline in risk with distance from the incinerators up to 10 km was found for infant deaths (p=0.023) and infant deaths with all congenital malformations combined (p=0.047), where a “peak” is detected around 1-2 km.CONCLUSION: Our study shows a peak-decline in risk with distance from the municipal solid waste incinerators for infant of deaths and infant deaths with all congenital malformations combined. However, due to the lack of detailed exposure information to dioxins around the incinerators, the observed trend in risk should be interpreted cautiously and there is a need for further investigation to accumulate good evidence regarding the reproductive health effects of waste incinerator exposure.
- 日本疫学会の論文
FUJITA Toshiharu
Department of Data Science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Department of Epidemiology, the Institute of Public Health
Kato Noriko
Department Of Pathology Yamagata University School Of Medicine
DOI Yuriko
Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health
Tanihata Takeo
Department Of Epidemiology National Institute Of Public Health
Minowa M
Department Of Human Life And Culture Seitoku University
Minowa Masumi
Department Of Epidemiology Institute Of Public Health
TANGO Toshiro
Department of Epidemiology, The Institute of Public Health
Department of Environmental Hygiene, School of Technology, Kyoto University
Department of Water Supply Engineering, National Institute of Public Health
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
UEHATA Tetsunojo
Faculty of Humanities, Seitoku University
Fujita Toshiharu
Department Of Data Science Institute Of Statistical Mathematics
Kato Noriko
Department Of Health Promotion And Research National Institute Of Public Health
Doi Yuriko
Department Of Epidemiology National Institute Of Public Health
Uchiyama I
National Inst. Public Health Tokyo
Uchiyama Iwao
Department Of Environmental Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Tango Toshiro
Department Of Biostatistics And Technology Assessment National Institute Of Public Health
Kato Noriko
Department Of Education And Training Technology Development National Institute Of Public Health
Doi Yuriko
Dep. Of Epidemiology National Inst. Of Public Health.
TANGO Toshiro
Inst. Public Health
Tango T
National Inst. Public Health Saitama Jpn
Uehata Tetsunojo
Faculty Of Humanities Seitoku University
Kunikane Shoichi
Department Of Water Supply Engineering National Institute Of Public Health
Uchiyama Iwao
Department Of Community Environmental Sciences National Instite Of Public Health
Tanaka Masaru
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Tanaka Masaru
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Doi Yuriko
Department Of Education And Training Technology National Institute Of Public Health
KATO Noriko
Department of Chemistry, College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University
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