養殖ブリの Mycobacterium marinum 感染症(英文)
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Recently, Mycobacterium infection has been observed in cultured yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata in Japan but not studied in detail. Diseased fish were lethargic, anorexic and emaciated, and showed hemorrhagic cutaneous ulceration and ascites. The necropsy and histopathological features showed that disseminated necrosis and numerous white nodules were found in the kidney, spleen, liver and heart. Numerous acid-fast bacteria were detected in the above tissues and granulomas. Myositis, hepatitis, splenitis and nephritis due to granulomas and gill inflammation were histologically observed. Almost all granulomas were classified into soft tubercle-type. All bacteria isolated from the diseased fish were Gram-positive, acid-fast, rod and non-motile. As a result, they were classified into the genus Mycobacterium. The isolates were identified as Mycobacterium marinum on the basis of biological and biochemical characteristics and the analysis of a partial 16S rRNA gene sequence. An experimental infection test showed that a representative isolate had pathogenicity to yellowtail with disease signs similar to those of naturally affected fish. This is the first report on M. marinum infection in cultured yellowtail.
- 日本魚病学会の論文
HATAI Kishio
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Kurata Osamu
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
倉田 修
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Hatai Kishio
Laboratory Of Fish Diseases Nippon Veterinary And Life Science University
NIBE Harunao
Kagoshima Prefecture Fisheries Promotion Division
Weerakuhun Sompoth
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
青木 奈緒
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Hirae Tatsumu
Kagoshima Prefecture Fisheries Technology and Development Center
Weerakhun Sompoth
Laboratory Of Fish Diseases Nippon Veterinary And Life Science University
倉田 修
Laboratory Of Fish Diseases Department Of Veterinary Science Nippon Veterinary And Life Science Univ
Aoki Nao
Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Kurata Osamu
Laboratory Of Fish Diseases School Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Veterinary Science Nippon Veter
青木 奈緒
Laboratory Of Fish Diseases Nippon Veterinary And Life Science University
Nibe Harunao
Kagoshima Prefecture Fisheries Technology and Development Center
Hirae Tatsumu
Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Technology and Development Center
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