- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of expression or non-expression of negative emotions have been of particular interest to researchers of emotion regulation. Among the variety of negative emotions, anger poses a particularly detrimental consequence on interpersonal relationships and mental health, whether expressed or not. The constructive expression of anger and trial of revision has been the recent focus of an effective method of anger regulation. However, the most effective tactic is contingent on the interpersonal relationship with the agent of arousal, as norms pertaining to emotional expression may differ depending on the level of intimacy or power distance. Thus, the present study examined the moderating effect of relational variables with the agent of anger arousal. A native anger regulation scale suggested a five-factor structure: Emotional expression, Constructive expression, Expression toward third person, Suppression, and Reappraisal attempt. To confirm the moderating effects of interpersonal relations, evaluations of past anger-arousing experiences between two conditions, one toward a non-intimate target with higher status, and another toward an intimate target with equal status, were compared. Results suggested that Reappraisal attempt had a positive effect on relationship evaluation in the non-intimate, higher status condition, while constructive expression had a positive effect in the intimate, equal status condition. Further examination of relationship factors, content of anger experience, and other moderating factors was discussed.
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