- 論文の詳細を見る
Out of 112 offspring obtained from crosses between X-irradiated males and non-irradiated females, nineteen had chromosome abnormalities. There were 11 reciprocal translocations between autosomes, two inversions, two complex translocations, one deletion of Xq, one isochromosome of Xq, one marker chromosome and one numerical abnormality (23, XXX). The marker chromosome was chromosome 6 bearing an extra segment on the short arm. Among animals with these rearrangements, two males with complex translocations, a female with a deletion of Xq and a female with an isochromosome of Xq, were sterile. On the other hand, the 23, XXX female was fertile, but all the offspring were karyotypically normal (22, XX or XY). Among offspring of other fertile animals, male and female heterozygotes with the same chromosome rearrangements as the parents were all fertile. Strains with these chromosome rearrangements are presently maintained by the authors. These animals serve as useful materials for various cytogenetic studies.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
孫田 信一
SONTA Shin-ichi
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
孫田 信一
孫田 信一
孫田 信一
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
Sonta Shin-ichi
Department Of Genetics Institute For Developmental Research
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
成田 伸子
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
北山 和代
Department of Genetics, Institute for Developmental Research
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