A Case Study of Development of a Java Bytecode Analyzer Framework Using AspectJ
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Aspect-orientation is a new programming paradigm that can localize a cross-cutting concern in a single module. This paper proposes a new type of Java bytecode analyzer framework based on aspect-orientation. It includes several new design and implementation techniques that are general or specific to the domain of language systems. We also observe that aspect-orientation improves extensibility, type safety, execution efficiency, and simplicity of the API, when compared with existing analyzer frameworks based on object-orientation such as Soot. This paper reports the following: structural extension of elementary objects maintaining type safety and execution efficiency; separation of a bytecode parser and concrete instruction sets; a visitor based on the stack-machine model; binary operations that are simple, extensive, and easy to maintain; and separation of nonfunctional concerns such as verification. We also observe that AspectJ currently has two limitations: it is not sufficiently expressive to structure aspects strongly depending on the inner structure; and it does not provide a general approach to write advice that cannot be described with information of its pointcut only.
- 一般社団法人 情報処理学会の論文
Fukuda Akira
Graduate School Of Information Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Fukuoka Laboratory for Emerging & Enabling Technology of SoC, Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology
Fukuoka Laboratory for Emerging & Enabling Technology of SoC, Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology
Kitasuka Teruaki
Graduate School Of Information Science And Electrical Engineering Kumamoto University
Nakanishi Tsuneo
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Kitasuka Teruaki
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Yamazaki Susumu
Fukuoka Laboratory for Emerging & Enabling Technology of SoC, Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation
Matsumoto Michihiro
Fukuoka Laboratory for Emerging & Enabling Technology of SoC, Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation
Fukuda Akira
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
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