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明治2(1869)年より開拓が進められてきた北海道では、第二期拓殖計画(1927~1946)の政策として、開拓地に「拓殖産婆」が配置されたことが史実に残っているが、詳細は不明であった。本研究は、拓殖産婆の制度、配置の背景、活動内容を明らかにすることを目的とし、北海道庁統計資料、北海道内全市町村の市町村史、北海道庁広報などの資料を調査した。その結果、拓殖産婆として申請できるのは正規の資格を有した産婆であり、産婆不足の開拓地の首長が道に申請し、任命を受けた産婆が年額500 円以内の補助金交付を受けて開拓地での助産業務に従事していたことが明らかになった。また、拓殖産婆は道路の整備されていない僻地に配置され、担当する広大な地域を徒歩や馬で移動していたこと、開拓地の移民の暮らしは貧しく分娩料が支払われないことが多々あったこと、出産環境の改善と衛生的な出産介助に尽力していたことが明らかになった。The Japanese Government has been developing Hokkaido since 1869. There is a historical record of Takusyoku Sanba ("settlement midwives") being assigned to cleared land pursuant to the policies of the Second Settlement Plan (1927-1946), but the details of such assignments are unclear. The current study sought to clarify the Takusyoku Sanba system, the background for the provision of midwives, and what those midwives did. For this purpose, -statistical data from Hokkaido's central government, histories of cities, towns, and villages throughout Hokkaido-; bulletins from the Hokkaido Agency; etc.; were studied.Results revealed that midwives with national qualifications were eligible to apply to be Takusyoku Sanba. A head of a cleared area with a lack of midwives would apply to the Agency, and midwives who accepted the post would receive a grant of up to 500 yen a year to serve as a midwife in that area. Takusyoku Sanba were assigned to remote locations without roads. They walked or traveled by horse to assist women in the vast area they covered, and they often received no payment for their services from the poor settlers they assisted. These midwives strived to improve the situation of antenatal and post-partum care, and to provide a hygienic environment for delivery.
- 2012-11-30
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