- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1989, Romania’s social system underwent a dramatic change from a socialist regime to afree economy system. Romania became a member country of the EU in 2007. We studiedchanges in sheep transhumance on the north slope of the Cindrel Mountains, a massif located inthe South Carpathian Mountains. During the socialist regime, all sheep were moved from basevillages on the Gornovita Peneplain, through the Rau Ses Peneplain, to the top of the CindrelMountains, namely, the Borascu Peneplain.We also estimated the numbers of sheep by observing changes in soil erosion conditions andvegetation. During the socialist regime, all sheep were shifted among these three peneplains, andmoved to Banat Plain during winter. This shifting resulted in very serious soil erosion at thenearby base villages. Also. in the areas at the tops of the mountains, Pinus mugo (creepingpine) trees were used as timber, after being cut and dried. These conditions produced extremelybroad expanses of grassland during the socialist regime.After 1989, the areas with soil erosion did not recover continuously until around 2005. Afterthat stress from sheep decreased in the grasslands at the tops of the mountains, namely on thehighest peneplain. The numbers of sheep taken to the highest peneplain decreased drasticallyafter 1989. Pinus mugo invaded, forming vegetation islands in the grasslands on north-facingslopes. On the slopes facing east to south, Picea abies with Rhododendron kotschi andJuniperus communis have invaded the grassland since 1989. These are evidence of weakerstress from sheep on the grasslands.Through these ecological methods of observation, we could estimate accurate numbers ofsheep in transhumance as follows: 1980-1989, over 40,000 sheep; 1990-2006, 37,000 sheep; and 2007-2009, 28,851 sheep.
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