- 論文の詳細を見る
Right after the World War II, Okinawa was under the supervision of the US military; and later on, from 1950 through 1972 by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu (USCAR). The purpose of this paper was to investigate and to document the history the 24 Okinawan nurse midwives who acquired midwife incense in mainland Japan, and their contribution to the midwifery in Okinawa during the post World War II. Although USCAR provided one of the most effective and successful public health care systems in Okinawa; and established an excellent Public Health Nursing program for the Okinawan people, the aftermath of the war forced midwifery school to close, circa 1955-1964. During this period, twenty four young and brave Okinawan women with a strong desire to study midwifery, got passport and visa, and departed for mainland Japan. They have acquired successfully Midwifery Licensure and went back to Okinawa. The investigation was carried out for three months from August to September, 2007. Out of 24 nurse midwives who acquired midwifery license in mainland Japan during the midwifery school was closed in Okinawa, thirteen nurse midwives (54%) were interviewed using semi-structured method. Informed consent was obtained from each person and the speech was listed sequentially. Out of the 13 nurse midwives, only seven continued to practice their nursing profession as midwives, until retirement. Others became school nurses (two); principal of kinder garden (one); director / head nurse of a hospital (two); and housewives (one). Regrettably, some of the nurse midwives who had acquired the knowledge, skill and training of midwifery in mainland Japan could not practice their specialty even those who stayed in the nursing profession. There were two reasons why nurse midwives could not practice their specialty. Firstly, there was an increased in the number of hospitals and clinics in the 1960s; and as a result, an increased in the number hospital- based obstetricians, and therefore lesser chance for midwives to perform child delivery. Secondly, the nurse midwives were relegated to other positions and departments in the hospitals not related to midwifery, and their experiences and careers were treated without due regard.
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