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In a practical sense, non-Newtonian fluid flow has been taken the attention recently. Such studies have originally been developed in the field of chemical engmeenng. Even in the field of civil engineering, such flows as debris, thick emulsion and ready-mixed concrete have been become the subject of the study lately. Now in case of the transport by means of the pipe, it is natural that both the amount of the transport and pressure energy loss are looked on as important. The difference of energy loss depended on the position in the pipe is not yet clarified. Even a fault idea that energy loss occurs on the rigid wall has been prevailed. But the velocities vanish on the rigid wall and work due to wall friction is not in existence. After all there in no energy loss on the rigid wall. It should be emphasized that pressure energy loss in the fluid is caused by the shearing deformation, being a part of works of shearing stress. We assume the laminar flow with mean velocity in opposition to wall friction in Newtonian fluid and it can be proved that the amount of energy loss is equal to work done by wall friction. In this report, we expand this discussion to non-Newtonian fluid flow. Herschel- Bulkley substance, Bingham substance and substance obedient to power law are chosen as the subject to the study.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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