泌尿器科領域におけるBasic Fetoproteinの意義 - おもに睾丸腫瘍Markerとしての有用性 -
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The basic fetoprotein in the serum of patients with urogenital tract diseases was measured using radioimmunoassay, and the following results were obtained. Serum BFP values were divided into three groups: Negative, false positive and positive for values below 100ng/ml, 100-129ng/ml and above 130ng/ml, respectively. The BFP positive rate for the benign diseases was 21.2 % and particularly high in the cases of acute inflammation. The BFP positive rate for the patients with urogenital malignant tumors, was 46.3%. After radical therapy it was 9.5%. Serum BFP, β-HCG and AFP values were measured in the 31 cases of testicular tumor. The BFP positive rate was 55.0 % and the β-HCG positive rate was 40% for the 20 cases of seminoma. The BFP positive rate for 11 non-seminoma cases was 27.3%, theβ-HCG positive rate was 36.4% and the AFP (8 cases) positive rate was 62.5 %. If we regarded the case positive when at least one of the parameters, BFP, β-HCG or AFP was positive, 65.0% of the 20 cases of seminoma and 55.6% of the 11 non-seminoma cases were positive. It was concluded that the measurement of BFP is significantly efficient as a tumor marker for urogenital tumor; particularly for testicular tumors, the measurement of β-HCG, AFP and BFP in combination very useful.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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- 泌尿器科領域におけるBasic Fetoproteinの意義 - おもに睾丸腫瘍Markerとしての有用性 -
- Basic Fetoprotein(BFP)--塩基性フェトプロテイン (腫瘍マ-カ-の検索とその臨床的意義) -- (胎児性蛋白)
- α-Fetoprotein,塩基性フェトプロテイン (がんの臨床--その現状と将来への展望) -- (癌のスクリ-ニングから確診まで)
- 塩基性フェトプロテイン (がんの早期診断) -- (血液生化学的診断)
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