- 論文の詳細を見る
Reviewing 361 autopsy cases of malignant neoplasm at our hospital, we surveyed frequency of the involvement of the genito-urinary organs and the adrenal glands by metastatic and infiltrative process by malignant tumors originated in the other organs. Results were as follows: Metastases to these organs were most frequently found in the adrenal glands and kidneys. Metastases to the adrenal glands occurred in 56 of 361 cases (in 33% of carcinoma of the lungs, 32% of malignant lymphoma, 28% of carcinoma of the pancreas and 25% of carcinoma of the rectum, respectively). Metastases to the kidneys occurred in 42 of 361 cases (in 37% of malignant lymphoma and 31% of carcinoma of the lungs, respectively). Metastases into the other genito-urinary organs were rarely found. Direct infiltration into the urinary bladder occurred in 69% of carcinoma of the uterus and 50% of carcinoma of the rectum, respectively. Hydronephrosis possibly due to infiltration of malignant tumor around the ureter were found in 77% of carcinoma of the uterus, 50% of carcinoma of the rectum, 14% of carcinoma of the ovary, 11% of carcinoma of the stomach and 11% of carcinoma of the pancreas, respectively.
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