素地作成の技法解析 -モード測定法を応用した粒度分析から-
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Particle-size analyses were carried out, under the application of a modal analysis by a point-counting method, with the purpose of making the technique clear on the preparation of paste, on the thin sections of Hajiki potsherds excavated from Makimuku remains in Nara. Based on the results, the following are concluded. (1) One potsherd can be sufficiently represented by the only one its thin section, so far as one fixes his eyes upon the particles whose sizes are less than or equal to 1mm. (2) It can be more objectively pointed out whether the techniques are adopted or not on the preparation of paste such as tempering and/or levigation, if one searches the results of particle-size analysis. (3) The samples presumed archaeologically to have their origins in Yamato, are at least discriminated into the two subgroups. One group could rather be presumed to have Kawachi origin, and the other is specified by both no tempering sand and fine paste. (4) Petrological studies on potsherds, mainly using polarization microscope, can reveal very effectively not only the quality of material but also the technique of production.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 1978-11-25
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