Experimental Hybridization Among Oryzias Species I.O.celebensis, O.javanicus, O.latipes, O.luzonensis and O.melastigma
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As a step to determining the afiliation of each Oryzias species, experimental interspecific hybridization among Oryzias celebensis, O. javanicus (Jakarta and Singapore), O. latipes, O. luzonensis, and O. melastigma was carried out and six kinds of adult F_1 hybrids were obtained. The proteins of their muscles and eyes were electrophoretically analyzed. The developmental ability, morphological and meristic characteristics of the hybrids seemed to depend on the phenotypic differences between the parent species and to be closely related to the geographical distances between their habitats. The electrophoretic data on the proteins in the hybrids may also indicate a close relationship to the geographical distribution of the parental species.
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