Attitudes on Migration among Filipino Nursing Students : Comparison between the urban and rural areas
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Many nurses from the Philippines work in other countries. The Japan Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement has opened the Japanese labor market to Filipino nurses, and with this agreement in act, Filipino nurses win begin coming to Japan in Apri1 2009 at the earliest. This study investigated the differences in the attitudes associated with migration among Filipino nursing students from the urban and rural areas using a quantitative and quantitative analysis. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the attitudes towards migration of Filipino senior nursing students from urban and rural areas. The results of the study indicated that students from both Manila and Davao did not consider Japan to be their final destination, due to the language barrier, the difficulties of not having families in Japan and images of Filipino entertainers and Japanese people discriminating against the Filipinos. On the other hand, the students from Davao were more likely to go abroad as caregivers if given the opportunity than their counterparts in Manila. The wages, employment rate of the nurses, and the amount of information regarding Japan and the general image of Japan may explain these differences.
- 九州大学アジア総合政策センター,Kyushu University Asia Centerの論文
- 2009-03-31
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