終末期医療に関する看護教育のあり方の検討 : 学生の関心に焦点を当てて
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目的:ターミナルケアを受講する前の看護学生の死に対する態度終末期医療・看護に対する関心を明らかにし終末期看護の教育のあり方について検討することである。方法:看護学を専攻する3年次学生に対し,終末期医療・看護への関心,死生観,死の経験について自記式質問紙法により調査を行った。結果および考察:54名から回答を得た(回収率77.1%)。学生は,精神的・心理的ケア,身体的ケア,倫理的側面に関心を強く持っていた。一方で、スペシャリストへの関心はあまり高くなく,授業内容・時期に工夫が必要であると考えられた。また,終末期医療全般への関心は高く,メディアを通じて情報を得ているが,積極的に本を読んだり,講演会への参加などによって死や終末期の情報を集めるという行動には至っていないことが明らかになった。これらの学生の傾向をふまえ,身近なメディアを活用しつつ,理解度に合わせて図書や講演会について情報提供を行う必要性が示唆された。Purpose: To clarify the attitude of nursing students towards death, to determine which aspects of End-of-Life Care they are interested in before lectures on End-of-Life Care, and to consider the content and the method of End-of-Life nursing education. Method: Subjects were third year nursing students. We used a questionnaire to study the degree of interest in End-of-Life Care: knowledge about End-of-Life, how knowledge about End-of-Life is acquired, and experience with death. We used the Death Attitude Inventory (DAI) to study their attitude towards death. Results and discussion: Responses from 54 nursing students were analyzed. They were very interested in psychological and mental health care, physical care and ethical aspects of End-of-Life Care. However, they were not interested so much in End-of-Life Care specialists. Therefore, a method of teaching, which interests nursing students in End-of-Life Care, and the appropriate time to present this course need to be determined. Although participants had significant interest in End-of-Life Care, most did not actively collect information and knowledge except from media resources. A few students read books and attended lectures on End-of-Life Care. Hence, our research indicates that media resources are a good way to teach End-of-Life Care because students are very familiar with them, and books and lectures, which student can understand, should be presented.
- 2008-09-30
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