公有林における利用問題と経営展開に関する研究(2) : 山梨県有林の経営展開
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本研究の課題は,公有林の林業経営がいかなる要因によって変化し,そこにいかなる問題が存在するかを解明し,今後のあり方に対して政策的展望を見いだすことにある。この課題は,個別的事例の歴史的分析の積み重ねによって初めて解明されるとの観点から,本論文では,山梨県有林を取り上げその成立から現代までの経営展開の全貌の解明に努めた。なおその際,山梨県有林の経営展開を戦前期と戦後期に区分して分析した。戦前期の経営展開では,以下の点を指摘した。山梨県有林経営は,その立地条件と地元住民の利用を配慮し,一貫して択伐・天然更新を基調としており,県有林特別会計の歳入と歳出の差額は,山梨県一般会計へ繰り出され,人工造林投資に見るべきものがなかったこと。戦後期の経営展開では,以下の点を指摘した。山梨県有林経営は,わが国の林業政策の影響を強く受けるようになり,「保護団体」の利用を徐々に縮小させ,皆伐・拡大造林を進めたが,そのことが経営の「赤字」転落,自然保護問題発生の要因となったこと。最後に,以上の考察に基づき山梨県有林経営の今後の課題を明らかにした。まず,人工林の保育施業とともに天然林の公益的機能重視の施業が必要であるとした。そのための費用を開発地域の貸付収入と県債に依存する現状は早晩行き詰まることは必至であり,それを回避するため,開発を県民の保健休養の場にふさわしい箇所に限定し,資源充実のための費用にその利益を充当し,なお不足する部分は一般会計から支出することが適当とした。そして,以上の公益的機能を重視した森林資源の充実,地域振興への寄与が公有林の公共性の内実であり,県民世論との合意を得て,「保護団体」との協議を重ねることにより,それが具現されるとした。The purposes of this thesis are to clarify those factors that have been causing changes in public forest management, to elucidate what problems exist there, and to consider how, from a policy perspective, public forests should be managed in the future. We believe these purposes are only fulfilled after accumulating historical analyses of individual cases. So I have taken Yamanashi Prefectural Forest as one example, trying to clarify the whole evolutional process of its management from the time of its coming into being to the present. In analyzing the development of Yamanashi Prefectural Forest management, I have divided the discussion into prewar and postwar periods. Considering the prewar period, I have indicated that the management was based on selective cutting and natural regeneration, taking into consideration locational conditions and utilization by the local people. I have also pointed out that the difference of revenue over expenditure in the prefectural forest special accounts was transferred into the prefectural general account and not invested in man-made forests through afforestation. In the postwar period, management was strongly affected by the national forest policy and utilization by the "common land groups" was gradually reduced. Moreover the clear cutting and expansion of man-made forest progressed. I have indicated that these were the factors generating a "deficit" in the accounts and arousing the issues of nature preservation. Finally, I have pointed out the tasks Yamanashi Prefectural Forest should carry out, based on the considerations mentioned above. First of all, it is necessary to tend man-made forests, along with working on natural forests, so that they will function for the public benefit. Surely the present situation, in which expenses are financed with the revenue derived from developing forest lands for other uses and by prefectural loans, will lead to a dead end. In order to avoid this difficulty, it is necessary to limit forest land development to those places suitable for public health and recreational uses of inhabitants of the prefecture, and profits from the development should be spent in expanding forest resources. What deficit is still left should be defrayed from the general account. Increasing forest resources, emphasizing those functions for the public benefit, and contributing to the promotion of local societies should be the purposes of public forests. These purposes should be achieved by obtaining the consensus of prefectural residents and through confering with the "common land groups".
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部附属演習林北海道演習林,University Forest in Hokkaido, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyoの論文
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