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天然林施業法の研究を進めるに当たっては,天然林の生長過程を解明し,生長予測を行うことが必要である。しかし,異齢混交複層の天然林は,林分構造が複雑であり,生長過程は多様を極めている。したがって,天然林の生長を予測することは,極めて困難であるといわれる。本研究の目的は,この「複雑多様」な天然林の生長を林分構造との関係を中心に解析し,天然林施業法の基礎となる林分生長シミュレーションモデルを開発するとともに,天然林の林分構造の動態について考察することにある。Growth prediction is indispensable for any study of natural forest management. But, natural forest structure is complicated and it has various growth processes. Then, it is said that the growth of natural forest is difficult to predict. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the structural dynamics of "complicated" natural forest, based on a stand growth simulation model. In this examination, I found several facts mentioned below, for example. The complexity of natural forest growth is mainly caused by mortality and gross growth of natural forest is pretty stable. The tree on natural forest has oppressed stage in his early day of life and almost all trees in one stand suddenly increse their growth at once. And, the pattern of mean annual diameter increment in each diameter class is closely related to diameter distribution. Based on the result of my examination, I discussed the transformation of diameter distribution on natural forest and related facters. Then I guess the exponential distribution which is said "balanced" diameter distributions by many researchers including DE LIOCOURT and MEYER, is not immutable and not balanced. In my opinion, exponentioal type diameter distribution is one of the stages in transformation cycle of diameter distribution including "unbalanced" diameter distribution. Finally, I tried to predict the transformation process of diameter distribution by FSD (Feedback type Stand growth simulation model using Diameter transition probability). Then, my opinion about the transformation of natural forest diameter distribution was supported by the result of this prediction. In my model of transformation of natural forest diameter distribution, the structure of natural forest is not immutable but variable. Therefore, we need to widen the image of "the ideal (the goal) stand type". The important thing in natural forest management is not to keep the forest in ideal condition in a narrow sense but to rotate it faster in ideal condition in a wide sense.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京農工大学農学部林学科,Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technologyの論文
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