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近年、わが国では喀痰吸引などの医療行為の一部を介護福祉士やホームヘルパー等に容認する動きがみられる。このような動きは、在宅ALS患者をはじめとした在宅医療を必要とする患者への生活の質を向上させる可能性を包含するとともに、提供される行為の質と安全の保障上の問題が危惧される。わが国と同様、深刻な看護師不足にあるオーストラリアで、無資格看護者へのDelegation(業務委託)が看護行為の一部として、また、看護師不足問題を解決する一つの可能性として認められている例を紹介し、日本との相違点を視座に入れて検討した。Recently in Japan, a part of medical procedure such as suctioning of sputum has been discussed in that unregulated care providers should be allowed to suction patients suffering from ALS and similar disorders who are home care based. This has a potential to improve quality of life of the patients, but the potential risk of harm to the patients due to lack of training of unregulated care providers may increase. Australia, like Japan, has a shortage of qualified nursing staff; therefore, delegating tasks to unregulated care providers would be a part of nursing care. However, due to the diffrences of health systems in both countries, it would require comprehensive adjustment in Japan; delegation has a possibility to provide a solution for the lack of qualified nurses. This paper analyses legal, economical, and ethical issues regarding unregulated care providers performing invasive procedures, and concluded that the issues relating to appropriateness of care for delegation for unregulated care providers, RN/Midwife's preparedness deciding tasks for delegation, and education for unregulated care providers and their responsibilities must be addressed before the application of the concept of delegation in Japan.
- 2005-12-28
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