教師教育における鑑賞教材開発(1) - 美術教育実践の現状と課題から-
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Art education has two fields,expression (painting, sculpture, craft and so on) and appreciation. But Japanese art education puts too much stress on expression field after the World War Ⅱ,so teachers didn't have much appreciaiotn study in art class. Researchers of art education have paid attention to appreciation education in recent 25 years, and research on appreciation education has been extensive 10 years ago. Elementary and secondary school teachers are showing a growing interest in art appreciation. So we have developed the teaching materials for art appreciation in teacher education (graduate and undergraduate school). The purpose of this paper is to review art appreciation education in recent 25 years,and to clear the present conditions and perspectives in Japan. The overview of this study runs as follows:to make it clear that the good results and new problems of revised Course of Study officlally announced in 1977,1989,1998,to consider the introduction of appreciatiot education from America and Germany, to present the outline of a suitable apprection education curriculum in teacher education. We are going to report educational practioces in teacher education and secondary school in the Next issue. The study was supported by the grant from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (No.12780153 of young researcher, 2001).
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