長野県下伊那郡手工圖畫研究會編『尋常小學新定畫帖詳解』の研究[第二報] : 教育現場における国定教科書『尋常小學新定畫帖』受容の一事例
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This Paper is a sequel to the one published in Bull. Nara Univ. Educ,. 46(I),1997. Many important events occurred from 1902(the 35th year of the Meiji period) to1917 (the 6th year of the Taisho period)in drawing education. Kazuo KANEKO, an art education history scholar called this period KYOIKUTEKI ZUGA period. During this period, the national drawing textbook JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO (for elementary school students) was published in 1910 (the 43rd year of the Meiji period), and the six-part series of teachers'edition of the textbooks JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO SYOKAI(1)-(6) were compiled in 1915 (the 4th year of the Taisho period) by SIMOINA SYUKO-ZUGA KENKYUKAI (handicraft and drawing curriculum committee, Simoina district, Nagano Prefecture). They gave a detailed explanation of the national drawing textbook for teachers in the Simoina district. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO SYOKAI (1)-(6).First,lessons 20 and 31 in the 2nd grade are examined as a supplement to the discussion about the lower grades part in the previous paper. Next, lessons in the higher grades are examined. Especially, lessons 1 and 4 in the 4th grade, lesson 1 in the 5th grade,lesson 29 in the 6th grade are analyzed in detail. The national drawing textbook JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO has contents such as perspective drawing, projection chart, design, composition, theory of color in its higher grade part. lt seems that they are very difficult for elementary school students and also for teachers. Therefore, many devices, illustrations, preliminary knowledge are incorporated in JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO SYOKAI to overcome these dificulties. Throughout the lower and higher grade parts,it can be concluded that their content is not beyond the basic policy of JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO.lt was also found out that the authors of the books adopted the work by Akira SIRAHAMA (a supervisor of JINJOSYOGAKU SINTEIGACHO) and Sinzo KOMURO (a design scholar). Still, there is evidence to show that the authors modified several lessons after some school teachers put them into practice. This is because the teachers knew well the development of children both mentally and physically.
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