Late Quaternary variation of lignin composition in core MD01-2421 off central Japan, NW Pacific
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In order to understand the responses of terrestrial vegetation in central Japan to global climate changes, we have generated the record of lignin composition from Core MD01-2421 off central Japan in the NW Pacific during the last 145,000 years by tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH)-pyrolysis-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The relative abundance of lignin was significantly low in early MIS-1 and MIS-5e and higher in MIS-5c to early MIS-4. This reflects glacial–interglacial changes in sea level and riverine runoff. The ratio of syringyl (S)- to vanillyl (V)-phenols (S / V ratio), which is a contribution index of angiosperms against gymnosperms, was lower in MIS-2, MIS-4 and MIS-6, reflecting the glacial–interglacial variation of air temperature. The ratio of cinnamyl (C)- to vanillyl (V)-phenols (C / V ratio), which indicates the contribution of grasses, was higher in late MIS-2, early-mid MIS-3 and MIS-6. The periods of higher C / V ratio correspond to the periods of lower sea surface temperatures (SSTs), suggesting a dry and cold climate in late MIS-2, mid-MIS-3 and MIS-6.
- Elsevier B.V.の論文
- 2005-12-20
山本 正伸
山本 正伸
Yamamoto Masanobu
Second Department Of Internal Medicine St Marianna University School Of Medicine
山本 正伸
山本 正伸
Yamamuro M
Geological Survey Of Japan
Yamamoto Masanobu
Faculty Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Yamamoto Masanobu
Department Of Mineral And Fuel Resources Geological Survey Of Japan
Yamamoto Masanobu
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